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Alternative Strategies



Integration Strategies


Forward, backward integration and horizontal integration, and sometimes called the vertical integration strategies, which allow a firm to gain control over distributors, suppliers and competitors.



Forward integration, Backward Integration and Horizontal integration strategies does not apply in our organizations because of the fact that we are a new compay that is recently starting to work and our size does not allow us to make use of does strategies. 


Intensive Strategies


Market penetration, market development, product development are sometimes are called intensive strategies because they required intensive efforts if a firms competitive positions with existing products is to improve



Market penetration. Seeks to increase market share for present products or services in present markets through marketing efforts.

We considered, this strategy to be useful, because one of our main objective is to increase the market share, through our web platform and with marketing efforts, we are offering a variety of products and sales promotions.


Market development. Involves introducing present products or services into new geographic area.

We considered this strategy, because we want to expand our company, by the number of customers inside of Colombia and internationally, getting agreements trough work and efforts of the manager of marketing international partnerships.



Product development. Seeks increase sales by improving or modifying present products or services

We consider this strategy, because we as a tourism company need to expand our portfolio, by offering a bigger number of plans, activities and destinations to our clients.


Diversification Strategies


There are two general types of diversifications: the related, and unrelated


Related diversification involves adding new but related products or services.

This strategy is considered in our organization, because we plan to add new extreme activities in the packages such as skydiving, parasailing, water skiing and others.


Unrelated diversification involves adding new unrelated products or services.

This strategy do not apply to our company, because we are focusing only on tourism industry and on selling travel packages, not on developing other type of unrelated services.


Defensive Strategies


 Defensive in addition to integrative, intensive, and diversifications strategies, organizations also could pursue retrenchment, divestiture or liquidation.

Retrenchment involve regrouping through cost and assets reduction to reverse declining sales and profits.

Divestitures involves selling a division or part of an organization.

Liquidation involves selling all of a company assets in parts for their tangible worth. 

Retrenchment, divestiture and liquidation are strategies that we not considered to apply for our organization, because of the fact that we are a small company which is new entering on the tourism industry.


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