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The process of defining, anticipating, creating and fulfilling customers needs and wants for products and services.

1) Customer Analysis

2) Selling services

3) Product and service planning

4) Pricing

5) Distribution

6) Marketing Research

7) Cost benefit/analysis


1) Customer Analysis

2) Selling services

3) Product and service plan

4) Pricing

5) Distribution

6) Marketing Research

7) Cost/ benefit analysis

Using a survey we could determinate our segment. 


The survey had 14 questions and was answered by 100 of people in Google formats.

Based on the survey we created the following profile:


  • Our customers can be women or men who like to travel where the age range is between 18 to 25 years, most of them are students or employees.Also they are characterized by high socioeconomic stratum.


  • Customers need coverage regions in the travel agency but they mostly prefer coverage in the Caribbean


  • Customers are aware that a travel package surpasses the million pesos. However ecotravel want to manage packages on average of 1.000.000 to 3.000.000


  • Customers prefer ecotourism and beach tourism

  • Customers need a variety of activities , but mainly focus on city tour and ecotourism


  • Customers prefer the ease of communication and information through the web pag.


  • At the time of offering the travel packages it is important to note that our customers prefer to travel with family, friends or couple, and prefer comfort to stay , as is the hotel , cabins or apartments. Besides prefer as a transport plane







According to external analysis we consider and support our customer analysis

*In the profile of ecotourism 82% were college graduates

*51% of people with smartphones, seek information on travels

*Improve technological plataforms according to competitors




The previous information states the characteristics of our target market. 

In this target market we have defined two important niches:

  • Collegue graduates

  • Young employees


Advertising strategies:

Our web page and mobile application, specially designed for mobile technology is our most important tool for communicating with our clients. 

For collegue students our most important source of advertising is social media:

We have defined 3 pillars for the communication strategy

  • Bloggers: The relationship supervisor is in charge of constantly write in blogs or in different social media networks about ecoutorism in COlombia and our company

  • Plant a seed strategy: Using word of mouth marketing,the idea is to exponentially penetrate the universities marketing using facebook instagram and tweeter,in order to leverage loyalty.

  • Influence the mind: Using below the line promotion strategy, and in partnership with universities, the idea is to influence as drivers for environmental awarness














For young employes:

  • The idea is to create responsability projects with companies to increase environmental awarness.

  • Word of mouth marketing will also be the strategy that will be implemented to reach young employess


Selling a service


To enchance the selling process, the manager of service experience should follow this procedure:

The strategies below will  create several leads, the work of the relationship supervisor and the manager isfilter those leads into opporutnities,which then will be reached  by direct communication (phone,whatsapp,social networks).For  a direct communication,there should be a previous study using social media of the needs of the potentials.Both the relationship supervisor and the manager of service experience have to be trained in selling skills.This procedure is stablished for attracting new costumers.


For old costumers, the company has desgined "ecotrip", a fidelity program that is very similiar to a mile program,but it also gives the opportunity for costumers interested in environmental protection to participate in our social responsability projects








Product and brand Positioning


Ecotravel in order to face our competition and be recognized and preferred by travelers needs to continues having better and more flexible prices; keep working on improving our web platform, due to the fact that 51% of people in general book travel information with their smartphones and finally as one of our principal objectives show and promote social environment responsibility. Having these tree important advantages helps us to be good positioned against the competition in this case Parkway and Clorofila, and also improving on what our costumers wish for, will help us to develop a competitive advantage.




We offer our customers safety when starting a travel plan with us, as a way of doing this we:


  • Give the opportunity to pay the way the client prefer and this has a repayment period of up to 3 days before the realization of the trip

  • If at the time of traveling suffers from a delayed fly, as an organization we ensure that your time would not be lost and if is necessary we will facilitate a variety of free services.

  • If there is a mistake and your fly is oversold, we are committed to relocate the flight whit no extra payments.

Test Marketing 


The test marketing was developed by a survey, and helps us to know as an organization in what aspect we can improve and to change weak services, by identifying critical points for new strategies to achieve improvements in performance and customer acceptance.


We conclude the follow based on 100 respondents; the 60% of our costumers have a age range between 18 and 25; a 65% categorized as students; a 43% of our target is positioned in strata 4; a 80 % prefer to travel in airplanes; a 33,3% prefers to travel with friends or partners; a 69% prefer internet as a media to book their trip. And finally make us notice that 37% of people prefer Beach, sun and sand as their destination, while, 42% of people prefer activities that involve ecotourism. Making us realized that if we improve our Caribbean destination more costumers would choose us because they would have great activities in great location as they wish.

Five major stakeholders affect pricing decisions: consumers, government, suppliers, distributors and competitors. In our case, the stakeholders that affect our pricing decisions are consumers and competitors. 

Our prices:

Competitors prices:

Our prices:

Competitors prices:

Our prices:

Competitors prices:

All the plans that we offer are of 3 nights and 4 days, including air and ground transportation, also breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Group plan: The group plan has to be of minimum 5 people and you will receive a discount on the price per person.


Important note: if you are foreigner the tickets from your country to Colombia aren't included in the plans.




The tourism is a very competitive industry, where everyday its visible a change in prices and offers from the different companies.  The prices of our packages will be our competitive advantage. Based on the surveys made, more than the 50 percent of the individuals are disposed to pay between $1’000.000 -1’800.000 COP, another 30 percent is capable to pay packages up to $3’000.000 COP. Taking this into account, the prices offer by our organization will vary between $1’000.000 COP to $3’000.000 COP. All of our customers will be able to use our services without thinking on the money, the diversity of prices and packages will make them loyal to our company.




Our intangible product, the service, consists of distinctive packages of tourism. All are made based on an ecological experience and in the different requirements of customers. Some packages are focused on ecotourism, others in the experience of connecting with different Indian communities, which is our competitive advantage against other organizations.




The promotion of our organization will be mainly by social media and the Internet. Our web page is our most important resource since it is where most of our packages will be sell and the source that will connect us directly with our customers. Also, we will have brochures showing the different packages we offer and Google advertisement.




Our packages will start around Colombia; our purpose is to bring foreigners to our country, to explore the different landscapes that we have in Colombia. As our organization starts to grow, our borders will grow too. In the future, our packages will cover most of all the Latin American countries, to give our customers diversity and the best experience.




Our main target will be college students, people with ages between 18-27. As said before, our purpose is to bring foreigners to our country, especially United Sated citizens.  Individuals who like to travel and have interest for the ecotourism, most of them are students or employees. Also they are characterized by high socioeconomic stratum between 3-5.

Distribution do not apply for our company, because we are a service organization.

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