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  • Cooperation among Competitors:


Eco Travel count with different competitors inside and outside Colombia, many of this competitors will be a good option to joint with and have better results for both company, right now this tool of cooperation among competitors can not be used by us, because our company is to small and is starting to work and grow, but in the future it could be a good options to expand our objectives worldwide. 



  • Joint Venture/Partnering:


It is a popular strategy that occurs when two or more companies form a temporary partnership for the purpose of capitalizing on some opportunities. Since Eco travel is recently starting to growth we are not considered the use of this strategy, nevertheless in our future it is important apply a joint venture in order to increase as a company.



  • Merger/Acquisition:  


A merge occurs when two organizations of about equal size unite to form one enterprise, while an acquisitions occurs when a large organization purchases a small firm or vice versa. Both are common ways to pursue strategies. We in our industry have different competitors such as clorofila and parkway (Colombia), since we are small and starting to growth an acquisition is not possible for us as organization, but a future merge with one of competitors could be advantageous to strengthen as an organization.



  • Private-Equity Acquisitions:


It is a tool that allow an organization to buy firms at a low price sell them later at a high price, arguably just good business. This way of achieving strategies will not be used by eco travel since we are new and very small size company starting to growth and small in the general market.


  • First Mover Advantages:


This way if achieving strategies refer to the benefits a firm may achieve by entering a new market or developing a new product or service prior to rival firms. It is possible for us to said tat we take advantage of been a first mover one we as a travel agency offer a special service which is given with the plus experience of sharing with native and knowing cultures of different ethnic areas in Colombia. Which allow us to gain market share and position in the best locations.


  • Outsourcing:

This mean for achieving strategies, involves companies taking over the functional operations of other firms.

Eco Travel uses this by outsourcing its financial area with an accountant, and hopes in the future when the company achieves international expansion provide a better service by taking advantage of outsourcings and focusing on the core business.  

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