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Technological Forces


Refers to the influences or impact that developments in technology have on consumers, business and society in general. It can be positive or negative by becoming an opportunity or a treat, the company should always be alert to develop a strategy that benefits the company in any situation.






Year-on-year growth remains strong, particularly in the use of mobile social media:














The latest data suggest that global internet penetration now stands at 43%, up from 41% in August 2014. The numbers also show that 225 million people around the world used the internet for the first time in the past 12 months, translating to 600,000 new users every day, or 7 every second. 

Social media usage continues to grow around the world, with global penetration rates now in excess of 30%. Facebook continues to dominate the global landscape, accounting for almost 1.5 billion users. To put that in perspective, Facebook is still adding around half a million new users every day, or almost 6 new users every second.















More than half of the world’s population now uses a mobile phone. The 3.4% annual growth in the number of unique mobile users around the world misrepresents the story that’s taking place behind the numbers. The real growth is in the adoption of smartphones, with 2 million devices sold every day around the world. The growth in sales of smart devices has resulted in a significant change in global share by type of device, with smartphones now accounting for more than 40% of the world’s active handsets (i.e. handsets connected to an active mobile subscription).

The number of users accessing social media through mobile devices has exploded in the past 12 months, with 1 million new users accessing via phones or tablets every single day. This has delivered year-on-year growth of more than 23%, with global penetration now exceeding a quarter of the world’s population. What’s more, with around 12 new active mobile social users every second, it’s likely that the global total will exceed 2 billion before the end of 2015.











Now, taking into account the tourism industry, all this data presented has a significant effect on it. Nowadays, the information is moving through the internet and it is taken to most of all the parts of the world. With this, if you are trying to sell a product/service, it will be easier, cheaper and more effective. We are at a technological society, and the organizations need to take advantage of it. 








Mobile Applications


Nowadays with the increasing use of Internet, for our industry having this online connection with our costumer is really important, due to the fact that costumers will have a direct relation with us from the commodity of their home or any place they having internet.  The online agencies have a clear opportunity to capitalize on the growing use of mobile, beyond the reserves. According to comScore, 51% of smartphone owners use it to obtain information related to travel, and the most popular activity is to compare prices of airfares, with 26%.

That is why we consider the creation of an mobile application where our company will be available 24 hours a day to serve our customers, our costumer will choose What They want and always will be in contact with us, our costumer will Have the opportunity to chose prices, places, locations, or the like. Because of the fact that will be easy to use for our users, would allow more people to be linked to the company and finally promote plans and deals. All this just trough a device and internet connection.

Information System

The information system in the travel agency business is very important. There are some Travel technology (also called tourism technology, and hospitality automation) that is the application of Information system or Information and Communications Technology in the travel, tourismand hospitality industry. 

Since travel implies locomotion, travel technology was originally associated with the computer reservations system of the airlines industry, but now is used more inclusively, incorporating the broader tourism sector as well as its subset the hospitality industry. While travel technology includes the computer reservations system, it also represents a much broader range of applications, in fact increasingly so. Travel technology system includes virtual tourism in the form of virtual tour technologies.

In the travel industry an talking about technogy system it is important to make enfasis in analysis of data, design, implementation and application of Information system technology and e-commerce solutions in the travel&tourism industry; as well as the analysis of the respective economic processes and market structures and customer relationship management.

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