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Production /operations

The production/operation process deals with inputs, transformations and outputs.






The manager will take specify decisions based in the marketing research and in the reports provided by the employee.
Is necessary to make a forecast of the demand of the more visited places,also the available flights and hotels to make a scheduling,the preferences of customers and analyze the different prices to satisfy the customer and to accomplish the requirements, in this way achieve a facility planning

As we are a service company, we work without inventory because all the process we provide are made it through outsourcing.


To ensure quality in the travel experience we provide, our manager work constantly to certificate that our chain of services is responding to what we plan. We have to make sure that the outsourcings we are working with are the best to warranty the best experience to our costumers. Additionally with the constantly training of our guides we make sure that the relation with our costumer would be the best we can offer.

  • is a cloud-based web development platform that allows users to create HTML5 web sites and mobile sites through the use of their online drag and drop tools.Can be seen with no problems from any mobile technology

  • Facility layout:  Open distribution, divided in small cubicles or office partitions in their designs. These spaces can provide the worker with the necessary privacy , but should be located away from the busiest locations to minimize the amount of visual distractions but having the possibility to communicate easily

  • Information flow analysis: Because our organizational structure, information flows from up to down in a very ease way. Guides inform about costumer satistafaction to managers, they analyze this information and considering market information and other variables they transmit conclusions of their work to the guides.

  • Distances : Information is our most important raw material, thanks for todays mobile technology, we share information in an inmediate way. We have a internal chat to help transmit information form top to down and down to top.

  • Process control: Each of our processes has its own indicators, which help to control their performance.The control is done according to the time frame of the indicator

  • Process flow analysys: From marketing and international partnership processes we go the the service experience processes, parallel to this processes we have the social responsability processes.

In workforce the manager will take decision based on some information that the area of human resources provide taking into account the skilled, unskilled, clerical, and managerial employees by caring for job design, work measurement, job enrichment, work standards, and motivation techniques, for this it is very important to use the key performance indicators.

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