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 The functions of management consists of five basic activities:


  • Planning

  • Organizing

  • Motivating

  • Staffing

  • Controlling

These activities are important to asses in strategic planning because an organization should continually capitalize on its management strengths and improve  on its management weak areas.




Can be defined as the process of influencing people to accomplish specific objectives.

Ecotourism is a company that is characterized by having a distinguishable service, satisfying customers in the pre sales, in the experience, and post sale, therefore the behavior and the way in which all our staff will transmit, like the communication, the experience, satisfying their needs and claims even the mision of the company to our customers  is essential for the travel agency success.



Anyway, ecotourism is committed to its staff providing a better opportunities and organizational culture.


1) It is important to note that each six months training is provided to those responsible for the pre-sale and sale, which is based on knowledge of the offers, which will offer depending on their scope and sales will gain various incentives and remuneration as travel, or even cultural outings with that personal.Therefore guaranteeing the treatment with customers, and the sense of belonging that takes each employee when each one offer different packages and especially what we call: experience.


2) On the other hand, the experience our customers have on their trips, will be the voice to voice of our company and even the decision to a future trip with our agency. This is how the staff responsible for support (guides), it is extremely important for Ecotourism, and seeks to ensure the best working conditions, offering the opportunity to change destination, also having into account the connection with their families, and winning incentives and awards based on experience that customers will transmit of each one of them. (Amazon region guide) (Caribean region guide)



3) Feedback of experiences of each of our customers, be certain that everything ended well and possible improvements is supremely important. For this reason the staff responsible for the after sales is motivated to respond in the best way each of the complaints, claims and suggestions that potential customers can give us according the designed staff. (Relationship supervisor)


4) Every Friday all members of the company have a lunch for integration in a different place. 



*Ecotourism has an informal organizational culture, which seeks synergy and the ability of different groups of employees to maximize their capabilities will satisfy our customers, and motivate to an identity with the company






Each manager is responsible for each area is obliged to lead and improve organizational culture, and provide the necessary incentives for each of subordinates, providing improvements in relationships and responsibilities of their duties.



Communication is one of the most important means in Ecoturism to transmit any doubt, any disagreement, suggestion, complaint or request of each of our employees, employees are at full liberty to do so at the time and in the manner they see fit.




Ecotourism workers, are identified with the company and responsibility in social, economic and environmental aspects.


Continuous improvement

Ecotourism, always looking to get the maximum creativity and contributions that each employee can contribute from their area, so encouraging continuous learning, and allow  adapt to change


The essential bridge between the present and the future. The process of thinking about and organizing the activities required to achieve a desired goal.

Organizing is a systematic process of structuring, integrating, co-ordinating task goals, and activities to resources in order to attain objectives.




Today more than ever, it is necessary for all human beings creating awareness of the importance of conserving and protecting natural resources and the urgency to know and appreciate the cultures, while leaving an amazing experience the in a trip that will remain in your memory for the rest of your life.


Because of this, in 2015 is created ecotourism as a travel agency that will promote ecotourism and also provide a unique learning experience fun and adventure. Where you can explore the different and wonderful Colombian landscapes, while you protect the environment.




  • Design services and plans under an environmental focus.

  • Offer the experience of connecting with nature and native communities

  • Positioned as the biggest agency of travel experiences related to social consciousness and environmental awareness.

  • Quality services for travelers.

  • Be integrated within the national and regional tourism sector.

  • Provide the best service at the best prices

  • Promote among our groups and customers respect, protection and conservation of the environment




  • Conducting search and ongoing research about the various possible destinations

  • Payment facilities for our clients

  • The use of the most intuitive platform that allows more people to become our clients.

  • Clients are capable of choosing and creating their own travel experience, as they want to.

  • Organizing events, where we can educate people to social consciousness and environmental awareness.

  • Use of electronic media and technology

  • Analysis of opportunities for continuous improvement over the competition




  • We work on concrete measures to sustain and improve our quality management system and sustainability, focusing on the needs and experiences of our clients mitigate their impact on the environmental, sociocultural and economic environment actions.

  • All services and activities are developed under the criteria of sustainable tourism and balance with the environment and society, avoiding negative impacts.

  • Follow the parameters for the rational use of natural resources impacts, promotion and protection of Colombian cultural and natural heritage; work in communities and the protection of child sex tourism.

  • Activities are carried out with a sense of respect for nature and wildlife to prevent damage on the elements that shape it.

  • Accommodations for travelers must meet all the requirements for the care of the indigenous groups that inhabit those lands as well as the ecosystem

  • As an organization and ecotourism company continually under the concept of improving conservation and environmental interpretation, due to work training

  • We are committed to the benefit to the people that are part of the service we provide.




  • Positioned as the biggest agency of travel experiences related to social consciousness and environmental awareness.

  • Expand all over the country and internationally

  • Increase the number of customers

  • Be the number one choice for our customers



The basic function of management staffing, is centered on human resources management and on the onpersonel of the organization. It also includes activities such as recruiting, interviewing, testing, selecting, orienting, training, developing, caring for, evaluating, rewarding, disciplining, promoting, transferring, demoting, and dismissing employees, as well managing union relations.









































After the process of hiring the employees, we will train them to have an excellent preparation in order to fulfill our costumer’s needs and expectations. We will show them all the aspects related to the organization as values, language, policies, and the objectives they'll need to achieve.




Is the final step in the process of management. It is important because it provides information about how the company is going and determines different problems in order to change it and improve in order to achieve goals. Our company is going to control and evaluate monthly the activities of the organization through different key performance indicatores (KPI).

General Director:

  • Net profit

  • Profitability

  • Employee satisfaction

  • Return on investment

  • Market growth rate

  • Innovation pipeline strength

  • Human capital value


Manager of marketing and international partnerships:

  • Order tracking

  • Inventory turnover

  • Back order rate

  • Cancels orders rate


Manager of social responsibility:

  • Saving levels due to conservation and improvement efforts

  • Cultural integration rate

  • Waste reduction rate



Manager of service experience:

  • Costumer relation rate

  • Costumer satisfaction score

  • Average wait time

  • Average resolution time


Regional supervisor:

  • Project schedule variance

  • Staff advocacy

  • Costumer experience rate

  • Guides performance

  • Quality index


Caribbean- Amazon- Andean regional guide:

  • Employee engagement

  • Human capital value added

  • Employee satisfaction level

  • Training return on investment

  • Revenue per employee


Relationship supervisor:

  • Sales booking

  • Market share

  • Search engine rankings and click-tough rate

  • First contact resolution

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